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Date 2021-09-30

Welcome to join the 2021 online conference “International Higher Education Alliance for the Cultivation of New Global Citizens” held by National Chengchi University (NCCU) in Taiwan. We are so proud of inviting eight prestigious scholars around the world in the last workshop of series to share their wonderful ideas on the topic of rethinking University Ranking in two sessions. We sincerely invite you to participate the online discussion to communicate your thoughts. We hope that we could see you on Nov. 11 at 2pm.
Following is our schedule and the registration link, and the detailed rundown is attached. We look forward to your engagement.

  • ● Workshop Topic: Rethinking University Ranking
  • ● Theme: Pitfalls and Challenges of University Global Rankings--Institutional identity, global citizenship and sustainability
  • ● Host: Prof. Dr. Angela Yung Chi Hou, Associate Dean, College of Education, National Chengchi University
  • ● Time/Date: 14:00pm-17:20pm Nov.11 2021 (Taiwan, GMT+8)
  • ● Registration link: 
    (Please sign up first, then we will send you the conference link, thanks)
  • ● Schedule:
Time Topic Speaker Photo
14:00-14:10 Welcome Prof. Ming-Cheng Kuo
President of National Chengchi University, Taiwan
郭明政 校長
14:10-14:25 Introduction Prof. Dr. Angela Yung Chi Hou
Deputy Dean of College of Education, National Chengchi University, Taiwan
侯 永琪
Section 1:
Pitfalls, criticism and reflection in global rankings:
How can the global ranking be relevant to institutional identity?
14:25-16:00 Host Prof. Dr. May-Shine Lin
Vice President for International Cooperation, National Chengchi University, Taiwan
  Chair Prof. Ka Ho Mok
Vice President, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
Prof Mok resize
  Assoc Prof. Dr. Husaina Banu Kenayathulla
Deputy Dean of Faculty of Education, University of Malaya, Malaysia
  Prof. Dr. Akiyoshi YONEZAWA
Vice-Director of International Strategy Office, Tohoku University, Japan
Q & A
Take a Break
Section 2:
Is subject ranking more helpful?
- student competencies , program sustainability and social impacts
16:10-17:00 Host Prof. Dr. SHIAW-CHUN SHANG
Associate Dean of college of commerce, National Chengchi University, Taiwan
  Prof. Dr. Seeram Ramakrishna
Professor & Former Vice President of National University of Singapore
Prof Seeram Ramakrishna – AMRS Tanzania 2019
  Mr. Martin Ince
Chair of the Global Academic Advisory Board for the QS World University Ranking
Q & A
17:00-17:20   Prof. Dr. Joshua S. Smith
Dean of School of Education, Loyola University of Maryland, U.S.A
Closing Prof. Dr. Angela Yung Chi Hou
Deputy Dean of College of Education, National Chengchi University, Taiwan
侯 永琪
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