College of Education, NCCU on May 11th, 2024 held the PhD student Forum with the theme "Research Capacity Building and Higher Education Research". The forum is jointly held by NCCU, National Taipei University of Technology, National Chung Cheng University and National Chiayi University, and is held twice a year. This is the sixth forum and the second time for NCCU to host the forum. Prof. Angela Yung Chi Hou, Prof. Andy Fu from NTUT, Prof. Sheng Ju Chan from National Chung Cheng University, and Prof. Jason Yang from National Chiayi University led more than 40 graduate students to gather together, presenting 16 topics. The presenters came from Taiwan, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Gambia, covering topics such as internationalization of universities, quality assurance in higher education, teacher professional developments, declining student population in higher education, EMI, and other hot cutting-edge areas. The highlight of this forum is its focus on students. The four professors took turn questioning the research concepts of the presenters and encouraged the participating students to use critical thinking to question the research methodology or make suggestions. The exchange and interaction during the Q&A session can promote the development of students' on-the-spot responses and reflection on their own research, as well as provide the presenters with valuable suggestions.