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Date 2023-01-17

Course Title:

Global competitions in higher education policy making and quality assessment


Funded by NCCU Higher Education Sprout Project




Angela Yung Chi Hou, Taiwan

Gerard Postiglione, Hong Kong

Kevin Kinser, US

Martin Ince, UK

J. C. Shin, South Korea


  1. Objective: This international program aims to provide postgraduate students who are interested in higher education research, with a sound background and understanding in the global trends in policy making, global research competition, world class university building, and quality assessment. Contemporary theory and practices in higher education development and research as well as globalization impacts on Asia nations will be focus of the international program. Students are encouraged to consider these issues in their own context of practice and the implication. Moreover, students are expected to participate a postgraduate forum with a focus of higher education policy and quality measures in the course. There are three subthemes in the course, including global ranking and world class university, quality assessment and university governance, and academic competitions and research performance.
  2. There are five learning outcomes and students will be able:
  • To explain the impacts of global rankings and QA in higher education development and policy making
  • To capture the concept of 'quality' and 'assessment' in global higher education governance and ranking systems
  • To develop teamwork and critical thinking competencies
  • To enhance English presentation and communication skills
  • To equip postgraduate students with research paper writing skills
  1. International experience and research capacity building:

Research capacity building is identified as a core component of expected learning outcomes in this international initiative. Students engage in the international dialogues with foreign scholars and researchers in order to lift their global competitiveness and cultural awareness. This course will support students to pursue their future careers throughout cross-border academic collaborations with the researchers over all the world.


  Course Schedule

Course Themes

Dates / Time

Taipei time



Theme 1: Global ranking and world class university


9:00~ 12:00 am

Taipei time



Topic one: Global rankings and university governance -


Topic Two: Pursuit of World class universities in Asia

Angela Yung Chi Hou


Professor Gerard  Postiglione (10:30 ~ 12:00 am)



13:00 ~ 16:00 pm 

Taipei time

Topic three: Pitfalls and Challenges of University Global Rankings--Institutional identity, global citizenship and sustainability

Dr. Martin Ince (13:10 ~ 15:00 pm)

Topic Four: Building World Class Universities and Global Ranking- Challenges and Prospects

Angela Yung Chi Hou


Theme 2: Quality assessment and university governance


9:10 ~ 12:00

Taipei time

Topic Five: Global QA and standards

Angela Yung Chi Hou

Topic Six: higher education governance and policy making


Professor Kevin  Kinser



5/ 21

13:00 ~16:00 pm  Taipei time

Topic Seven: Global rankings and world class university building

Professor Jung Cheol Shin

Topic Eight: Third mission, innovation and social inclusion in quality assessment


Angela Yung Chi Hou


Theme 3:  Academic competitions and research performance



9:10 ~ 16:00 

Taipei time

Postgraduate Student Forum:

Global ranking and international research competitiveness in higher education

8 student presentations (See appendix)/ feedbacks from invited lecturers 



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