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時間:2025/03/11 09:10-10:00


講題:The Role of Language and Multilingualism in Learning and Cognitive Processing (語言與多語言能力在學習與認知處理中的作用)

講者:德國萊比錫大學 HENRIK SAALBACH 教授

簡介:Saalbach 教授為國際公認的多語言研究、認知處理及語言教育方法的專家,曾在柏林馬克斯·普朗克研究所(MPI Berlin)、瑞士聯邦理工學院(ETH Zurich)和北京大學從事研究工作。他研究結合理論與實務,並獲德國科學基金會(DFG)補助「Encoding-Specificity in Bilingual Content Learning (雙語內容學習中的編碼特定原則)」和「Emotion Vocabulary Development (情緒詞彙發展)」等研究計畫。其經常為教育工作者提供建議,推動有效的語言支架教學與包容性教育方法,為極具影響力的演講者和屢獲殊榮的研究學者。

Prof. Saalbach is an internationally recognized expert on multilingualism, cognitive processing, and language's role in education, with research experience spanning MPI Berlin, ETH Zurich, and Beijing University. His work bridges theory and practice, informed by projects like Encoding-Specificity in Bilingual Content Learning (DFG-funded) and Emotion Vocabulary Development (DFG). A dynamic speaker and award-winning researcher, he regularly advises educators on effective language scaffolding and inclusive pedagogy.


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