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Manuscript Preparation

Home / Journal of Education & Psychology / Manuscript Preparation
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Date 2023-09-13
  • 1. Journal of Education & Psychology is published jointly by the College of Education and the Department of Psychology, National Chengchi University. The Journal began to publish annually in May, 1978, and changed publication frequency to quarterly starting with issue No. 26, with four issues a year. The Journal started publishing in volumes (four issues in one volume) in 2004, with issue no. 27. 


    2. The Journal publishes original research papers on topics including: (1) pedagogical theories and practice, (2) pedagogical and psychological research results, (3) analysis of pedagogical and psychological issues, (4) latest pedagogical and psychological techniques and applications, (5) other research papers on topics related with pedagogical psychology.

    3. Submissions must follow the APA format (6th edition) and the following requirements:

    (1) Use the following format for citations of other works:
    • a. According to research findings by Sen-chi Yu (2003), there are significant positive correlations between internet addition and depression, and between internet addition and anxiety.   
    • b. There are significant positive correlations between internet addition and depression, and between internet addition and anxiety. (Sen-chi Yu, (2003)).
    • c. Elliot and McGregor (2001) pointed out that the entity theory can positively predict avoidance-performance goal and avoidance-mastery goal.   
    • d. Entity theory can positively predict avoidance-performance goal and avoidance-mastery goal. (Elliot and McGregor (2001))

    (2) If graphs or charts are included, please clearly mark the serial number and name under each graph or chart, for example, “graph 1 the relationship between intelligence and learning efficiency,” or “chart 1 regarding test takers’ grades before and after the tests.” Graphs and charts are to be included in the text and used judiciously.   
    (3)A bibliography must be included at the end of a paper. Books listed are limited to only works cited, with Chinese books listed before foreign books. Chinese book list must be arranged according to the number of strokes of the authors’ last names. Foreign book list must be arranged in alphabetical order of the authors’ last names. Chinese book list or names and volume numbers of periodicals must be typed in bold, English booklist or names of periodicals must be typed in italics. English translation of information on Chinese books must be included, with examples below:  
    【Wang, B. J., & Guo, W. X. (2005). The development of the program of the European higher education area and its implications. Journal of Education Research, 137, 35-55.】

    【Yu, Min-Ning. (2006). Latent variable models: The application of SIMPLIS. Taipei, Taiwan: Higher Education.】
    Rosenthal, R.(1994). Parametric measures of effect size. In H. Cooper & L. V. Hedges (Eds.), The handbook of research synthesis (pp. 231-224). New York: Sage.
    Covington, M. V. (2000). Goal theory, motivation, and school achievement: An integration view. Annual Review of Psychology, 51, 171-200.

    (4) For year of publication, Gregorian calendar year must be used.

    4. A submission must include a title, Chinese and English abstracts, (500 words or less, respectively), Chinese and English keywords (not exceeding five, respectively), main body, bibliography and indices, if applicable. Important notes are not to be included in footnotes, but directly incorporated in the text instead. Unimportant notes are to be excluded.   

    5. Chinese papers must not exceed 20,000 words, English papers must not exceed 8,000 words.
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