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Home / Introduction / Introduction
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Date 2021-11-19

The College of Education was established in August 1, 2002, with the mission of nurturing the nation’s educators, academic leaders, and researchers; at the same time providing them opportunities with on-the-job training for the purpose of enhancing the quality of education. The college aims to promote academic advancement by integrated educational research through intercollegiate and interdisciplinary cooperation.

The college is comprised of Department of Education, Graduate Institute of Early Childhood Education, Graduate Institute of Educational Administration and Policy, Master Degree Program in Counseling and Guidance, Teacher Education Program, and Teacher In-Service Education Center. The College also offers Master of Education in School Administration, and administers the Principal Preparation and Research Center, Chinese Tests and Educational Evaluation Research Center, and Community Learning Research and Development Center. In addition, the Journal of Education & Psychology is published by the College and is an important TSSCI journal in the field of education in Taiwan. With four issues a year, it is a remarkable academic journal devoted to publish the research of experts and scholars in the fields of education and psychology.

Our future prospects:

  1. Cultivating Quality Teachers: Adapting to contemporary trends, we integrate theory and practice to enhance teacher candidates' educational philosophy, knowledge, skills, and attitudes in a diverse manner, thereby increasing their future employability and competitiveness.
  2. Teaching Innovation and Research Improvement: Urge cross-disciplinary cooperation among the teachers of the College of Education; encourage teaching innovation; develop visionary research teams and facilitate academic upgrading.
  3. Strategies: Deepen the content of "education" with "competitiveness" and "internationalization"; adjust the course structure in accord with social trends and strengthen international cooperation.
  4. Vision: Encourage students to enjoy in the process of learning, to grow, to feel confident and to be competitive in learning; assist teachers to be highly productive in research and teaching and to obtain new exchange experience.
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