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《教育與心理研究》第 47 卷第 4 期  「科技/AI在教育與心理的運用」特刊稿約



在科技和人工智慧(Artificial intelligence: AI)引領的時代,教育和心理學領域面臨著前所未有的轉變與挑戰。隨著科技的快速發展,AI在教學方法、學習環境、以及心理健康評估中的應用變得越來越廣泛,進而開創了新的研究和實踐領域。這此背景下,此特刊以『科技/AI在教育與心理的運用』為題,積極邀請各地的研究人員、教育和教學實踐者,分享其利用科技和AI促進教育創新和心理學應用方面的最新進展和發現。




本期特刊採邀稿及接受投稿並行,隨到隨審,歡迎關心「科技/AI在教育與心理的運用」相關教育發展的研究同好共襄盛舉。來稿將於收件後6個月內回覆審查結果。截稿日期為113年09月01日。有關稿件格式、文長、審查流程...等規範,悉依本刊相關規定辦理。請至《教育與心理研究》線上投審稿系統(點此)進行投稿。首次使用須先行註冊,於帳號啟用、登入後始得進行投稿。投稿時請註明為「47-4 特刊」。為利審查流程,請於投稿後將投稿者基本資料表(點此下載空白表格)以電子郵件寄送word檔至本刊信箱。




特刊主編          李元萱




《教育與心理研究》第 48卷第 2 期  “Affective education: Emotions, motivation, and well-being for learning in our global, interconnected societies”特刊稿約



Journal of Education and Psychology Volume 48 Issue 2 Special Issue on “Affective education: Emotions, motivation, and well-being for learning in our global, interconnected societies”

Affective education has become part of a global reflection. Values and attitudes have become learning compasses toward 2030 guiding future education (OECD (2019). OECD future of education and skills 2030 conceptual learning framework: Attitudes and values for 2030). Social-emotional learning, digital pedagogies, and youth empowerment are keys to transforming education and re-thinking learning for achieving Sustainable Development Goals, especially Target 7, for building peaceful and sustainable societies (

To this end, for this special issue, we welcome submissions that reflect the real-world diversity in research and implementation of affective education. These may include diverse pedagogical approaches (including those using technology) in diverse school subjects and activities in formal school settings, informal learning, and parental and teacher education activities. National curricula, educational policies, and culture are also of interest. We further welcome multidisciplinary dialogues on the most recent trends, concerns, challenges, and solutions in affective issues including, but not limited to:

  1. Emotions, such as academic/achievement/epistemic emotions

  2. Emotional intelligence

  3. Engagement

  4. Feelings, attitudes, and beliefs

  5. Interaction between emotion and cognition in learning

  6. Motivation, such as confidence, interest, and values

  7. Mental health

  8. Mindfulness

  9. Social-emotional learning, such as interpersonal skills, self-regulation learning, social regulation

  10. Sociocultural aspects in teaching and learning

  11. Well-being

This special issue concurrently invites manuscripts and accepts submissions. All submissions will be blind peer-reviewed on a first-come-first-serve basis. The normal review time will take approximately 3 months after submission. The deadline for submissions to this special issue is December 31, 2024. The publication of this special issue is scheduled for June 2025. Please visit the Submission Guidelines of the Journal for the manuscript format (; no article process charges and no Chinese abstracts and keywords are required. Please email the following two Word files to both the Journal ( and Mei-Shiu Chiu (, with an email title “the first author’s family name_submission to JEP48(2)”.
(1) Title page, including the paper title and all authors'  information (including contact information and ORCID). (file name: the first author’s family name_title page.docx)

(2) Manuscript without author information for blind review. (file name: the first author’s family name_manuscript.docx)


Journal of Education and Psychology Editorial Board

Special Issue Editors (in alphabetical order of the family name)

Chiu, Mei-Shiu: Professor, College of Education, National Chengchi University, Taiwan

Manalo, Emmanuel: Professor, Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University, Japan 

Saalbach, Henrik: Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Leipzig, Germany

Seah, Wee Tiong: Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Melbourne, Australia

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