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I. Introduction

  1. The joint symposium co-organized by College of Education, National Chengchi University and, Lingnan University will focus on four themes:
    1. Cities and Urban Governance 
    2. Well-being and Social Policy
    3. Education and Development Studies 
    4. International / Regional Studies
  2. The growing issues and new research focus addressed by both faculties at NCCU and Lingnan will be shared and presented in the workshop.
  3. It is estimated there will be around 20~30 participants for this international webinar.
  4. Time and delivery mode: The half-day event will be held on site. Time: April 28, 2023; 13:30 pm ~ 17:10 pm 


II. agenda







Welcome remarks

Dean of College of Education, National Chengchi University


Vice President,

Lingnan University

Professor Dr. Chaoyu Guo


Professor Dr. Ka Ho Mok

13:20 ~ 13:30


New Book launch 2023 

Springer Monograph:

Crafting the Future of International Higher Education in Asia via Systems Change and

Innovation Reimagining- New Modes of Cooperation in the Post Pandemic


Angela Yung-Chi Hou

Joshua Smith

Ka Ho Mok

Chao-Yu Guo


13:30 ~13:40


Theme one and Theme two


Chair by Professor Ka Ho Mok



Section one : Cities and Urban Governance and Well-being and Social Policy

Topic: The Impact of Higher Education Expansion on Subjective Social Status in Taiwan: A Mechanism-Based APC Analysis



Topic: Health-related Well-being Non-local Students During and Beyond COVID-19



Topic: The Development and Issues of Social Assistance Policies in Taiwan




Topic: What the Potential Residents Consider? Rationalization of the Transient Affordable Housing Schemes in Hong Kong

Professor Dr.Ping- Yin Kuan, National Chengchi University and Dr.Su-Chin Peng, Academia Sinica




Prof Padmore Amoah and Prof Maggie Lau

Lingnan University



Dr. Pei-Yuen Tsai, Graduate Institute of Social Work, National Chengchi University




Professor Dr. YAU Yung, Lingnan University


13:40 ~15:20



15:20~ 15:30


Theme three and four

Section two: Education and Development Studies; and International / Regional Studies

Chair by Prof. Dr Joshua Smith.

Topic: Did Taiwan Excellence Initiatives Build World Class Universities?

-Governance, Funding Scheme and Policy Shift



Topic: Promoting

Interdisciplinary Studies for Caring Professionals: Lingnan University Experience


Topic : Game of Brains: Examining Researcher Brain Gain and Brain Drain and Research University Policy



Topic: Paradoxes in Transnational Communication, Acculturation and Adaptation in a Hong Kong World-Class University



Topic:  Professional Education: Models and Issues

Professor Dr.  Angela Yung Chi Hou, Fang Yu Lin, Edward Su, Emma Chen, National Chengchi University



Prof Dr. Ka Ho Mok, Lingnan University




Dr. Andy Yuan-chih Fu

National Taipei university of Technology   





Professor Dr. YU Baohua Lucy, Lingnan University






Professor Dr. Sheng Ju Chan, National Chung Cheng University  

15: 30 ~




Closing Section

Discussion: Proposal for a Joint initiative

Prof. Dr. Angela Yung Chi Hou

Professor Dr. Ka Ho Mok

17:00 ~17:10









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